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January 1996 Vol. 4 Issue 5
Learning Organizations - Learning from others that have accomplished great things!

Recently business publications have begun using the new buzz words "Learning Organizations". World Medical Manufacturing Corporation has always been a learning organization. We have always built learning into our business plans.

We consistently read about the work of others and then transfer what we have learned to all members of our company through summaries, briefs and discussions.

Important publications we have summarized and have used as training tools include:

Workplace 2000 - The Revolution Reshaping American Business - J. Boyett, H. Conn, A Dutton Book, Penguin, NY, 1991

World Class Manufacturing - The Lessons of Simplicity Applied - R. Schonberger, The Free Press, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, 1986

Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Practice and Principles - Peter Drucker, Harper & Row, New York, 1985.

Thomas Edison - A Streak of Luck - R. Conot, A Da Capo Press, New York, 1979.

Steve Jobs - The Journey is the Reward - J. Young, Scott, Foresman & Co., Clenview, IL, 1988.

GATES - How Microsoft's Mogul Bill Gates Re-invented an Industry - S. Manes, P. Andrews, Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Everyone's A Coach - You Can Inspire Anyone to Be a Winner - Don Shula, Ken Blanchard, Harper Business, New York, 1995.

The Manufacturing Advantage - Achieving Competitive Manufacturing Operations - Nigel Slack, Mercury, 1991.

The HP Way, How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company - David Packard, Harper Business, New York, 1995.

Working Smart, How to Accomplish More in Half the Time - M. LeBoeuf, Warner Books, 1979.

Brain Power, Learn to Improve Your Thinking Skills - Karl Albrecht, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1980.

Global Paradox, The Larger the World Economy Becomes the More Powerful It's Smallest Players - W. Morrow, NY, J. Naisbitt, 1994

Other titles include:

Writing Smart, The Borderless World, The Strategy of Meetings, Positive Cash Flow, You've Got to Be Believed to Be Heard, Keeping Customers.

Written by Howard J. Leonhardt



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