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June 1994 Vol. 3 Issue 5

Workplace 2000 A Revolution Reshaping American Business.

The company that employs the Average American in the future will be flatter, leaner, and more aggressive than the company he or she works for today.

In the next decade, no job will be entirely secure, whether inside or outside of a large company.

This instability in the workplace and enormous competitive demands on businesses - large and small - will result in extraordinary pressure for maximum performance.

In Workplace 2000, flexibility and creativity will be more important for success than endurance and loyalty. The most valued employees will be those who are flexible and can perform a wide range of functions.

The shape of Workplace 2000.

1. High expectations for performance.

2. Just "Okay" quality isn't good enough.

3. Superior customer service is critical.

4. Everyone must learn to innovate fast at low cost

5. Flatter is better, excess middle management must disappear.

6. Companies must adjust quickly to changing markets.

7. Success in this age demands low cost, continuous innovation, flexibility, and responsiveness - the qualities that small companies possess. Small is better.

8. The country club atmosphere of corporate headquarters largesse will be a thing of the past

9. Lower level supervision on a mass scale is no longer needed, since key results for Workplace 2000 companies - world class quality, superior customer service, continuous innovation, flexibility - cannot be obtained through control. Employees will be expected to provide more self control.

10. Workplace 2000 companies will create a solar system seeking close relationships with a network or smaller, independent companies and key suppliers to achieve their goals.

11. Great emphasis will be put on training and developing flexible people.

12. Management will ensure that workers work on adding value.

13. Continuous immediate feedback must be given regarding level of defects, delays and customer complaints to key improved performance.

14. Management will serve as a facilitator, coach and motivator not as control police.

15. Evaluation of employees will key on results, accomplishment and effectiveness. The emphasis will be on team achievements.

16. Management will exhibit steadiness and predictability.

17. Confidence of workers will be built by allowing them to share in winning.

18. Work will be made fun at times by management to relieve tension.

19. Recognition will be a much more effective way to motivate employees than sharp criticism.

20. The increased demand for speed must be met. Focus will be on identifying and eliminating time wasters.

21. Build the product right the first time. Use data to pinpoint the cause of defects and eliminate those causes by developing better processes using line worker Input. Do not depend on inspection for quality.

22. Show the customer that you care. Employees that exhibit the attitude "This would be a great business if it weren't for all the damned customers" must be corrected to an awareness of the importance of superior customer service.

23. Do more with less. Our future lies in the adoption of a continuing survival mode philosophy.

24. Involve all workers in the continuous improvement process. Promote self esteem by respecting the intelligence and the value of all members of the company.

Credit Workplace 2000, Joseph H.
Boyett & Henry P Conn, Dutton Div. of

Penguin Books USA, New York NY

10014, 1991

Written by Howard J. Leonhardt



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