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APO E ABSTRACTS: Association of apolipoprotein E phenotype with plasma lipoproteins in African-American and white young adults. The CARDIA Study. Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults.

Howard BV, Gidding SS, Liu K Medlantic Research Institute, Washington, DC , USA. Am J Epidemiol 1998 Nov 1;148(9):859-68]

Apolipoprotein E phenotype (APOE phenotype) has been demonstrated to be a genetic determinant of cardiovascular disease. This atherogenicity may be a reflection of the association of APOE phenotype and plasma lipoprotein concentrations. The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study affords the opportunity to assess the frequency of apolipoprotein E alleles in population-based samples of African Americans and whites in the United States and to compare the associations of APOE phenotype with lipoprotein and apoprotein concentrations. Data from 3,485 African-American and white men and women between the ages of 25 and 37 years who attended the fourth CARDIA Study examination in 1992-1993 were used in this analysis. African-American men and women had significantly higher frequencies of E2 and E4 phenotype and thus higher frequencies of *epsilon2 and *epsilon4 alleles (p < 0.005). Men and women of both races with APOE4 phenotype generally had higher low density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, and lipoprotein(a) concentrations and lower high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, and individuals with APOE3 phenotype had the lowest triglyceride concentration. Major differences between African Americans and whites were observed in the distribution of APOE phenotypes and *epsilon alleles, but APOE phenotype was associated with similar differences in lipoprotein and apoprotein concentrations in both races. The data suggest that APOE phenotype may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in both African Americans and whites because it is associated similarly with an adverse lipoprotein profile.

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